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We start the editor:


We add all the generated animations to the list.

{ADD cha_wipe.yafa}
{ADD cha.yafa}
{ADD cha_rotate.yafa}
{ADD cha_twirl.yafa}
{ADD chab_wipe.yafa}
{ADD chab_scale.yafa}
{ADD chab_fade.yafa}
{ADD chb.yafa}
{ADD chb_fade.yafa}

Using INFO we make some settings for every animation:

{DISPLAY Zoomed} 2x2 zooming of the anims, or not.
{BUFFERS 4}      only 4 buffers, so we dont use too much memory

Choose these settings for all animations.
Now use


for playing the animations. Press {AMIGA M} and look at the memory. You
should have some empty fast-memory, otherwise you should change your
settings and use only 3 buffers for every animation!
The zooming, decrunching etc. works faster in the FAST memory!

Lets save the project!

{PROJECT wftut:halve_size/Wildfire.prj}

With the external  YAFA  Player we can now play this
animations every time we want. Wildfire is
not necessary for playing the animations! YP (the player) can be downloaded
from the internet by everyone!

{YP -batch wftut:halve_size/Wildfire.prj}

Now you saw how to wor with some important functions of Wildfire.
For learning more about this great program read the documenation and test
the great possibilities of it!

Thank you for using this tutorial!